Low Riding & the Deadly Chainring Disease.

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Labels: lunch in Japan
Greetings from Dubai!
I have crossed the ocean!
I now have a full day waiting in the airport.
My flight is only at 02h00 tomorrow morning.
Oh well what's another day of floating for a traveler like me?
It's nice to be on the road again.
I'm in a place called the "quiet Lounge" dipping into my first Haruki Murakami (After Dark). Quite romantic really except this shirt is starting to turn on me. A squirt of Cologne and possibly a new Paul Smith shirt from duty free and I'll be a fair tribute to Paul Bowles' character Port from The Sheltering Sky.
I will call Machiko as I arrive in Osaka if the hour is decent. I have a slight sense of fore boding about my luggage as we were delayed 45min in Johannesburg waiting for missing baggage (the pilot revealed over the PA). I had some last minute issues with some hand luggage condemned to the hold & it had her present from James Webb in it. It better be waiting in Osaka for me.........
What's more The Bicycle I had to freight over is probably going to arrive in Osaka rather inconveniently on the 13th Jan....?
Might have to wait a week for me to return.
"Why don't you buy another one there?", I hear you question.
Well, she's slightly hard to come by...... as well you know.
Labels: 11 Jan 2008