Greetings from Dubai!
I have crossed the ocean!
I now have a full day waiting in the airport.
My flight is only at 02h00 tomorrow morning.
Oh well what's another day of floating for a traveler like me?
It's nice to be on the road again.
I'm in a place called the "quiet Lounge" dipping into my first Haruki Murakami (After Dark). Quite romantic really except this shirt is starting to turn on me. A squirt of Cologne and possibly a new Paul Smith shirt from duty free and I'll be a fair tribute to Paul Bowles' character Port from The Sheltering Sky.
I will call Machiko as I arrive in Osaka if the hour is decent. I have a slight sense of fore boding about my luggage as we were delayed 45min in Johannesburg waiting for missing baggage (the pilot revealed over the PA). I had some last minute issues with some hand luggage condemned to the hold & it had her present from James Webb in it. It better be waiting in Osaka for me.........
What's more The Bicycle I had to freight over is probably going to arrive in Osaka rather inconveniently on the 13th Jan....?
Might have to wait a week for me to return.
"Why don't you buy another one there?", I hear you question.
Well, she's slightly hard to come by...... as well you know.
Well Done Lad for following the well lit path. I hope your dreams are realised here and elsewhere on this journey. They say within a leap year it is the ideal time to take a leap in faith and break boundaries to recreate a new. I hope your courage over flows in huge creative leaps. Be safe and Good. Big hug.
I don't know about a well lit path, more like a road less traveled but whatever it is, take great creative leaps to get from A to Z (and remember the 24 letters in between...letters in between...letters in between)
Well neef Ben, your merry jog continues and it is lovely you will blog some of the details. You are an unusual person and enrich the sedate in your life. A remarkable man you are.
love Oom Dawie
most excellent!
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