So far this year.... things I made.

It's been a strange start to the year with the customary financial pressures.
I made these patterns at Dangers Beach with Muscle shells. I had some delightful scantily clad assistants who kept arriving offering handfuls of shells and assistance. It was heart melting..
I could get into this land art milarky....
Also I made this origami Scorpion for money (still to come) for an insurance company.
Eventually it came out pretty scary and looked even better when they had had a go at it with a computer.....

Finally, talking of things scary, it may interest you to know I've been growing a beard of late. Some like it, some don't. The long suffering Gabrielle is unconvinced. I'm ambivilent myself.....
I realise I can look rather derelict ( In fairness I can take a good poke at that clean shaven....) but I can also see what I would look like as a caveman or even just "before we had the strange contivance of saftey razors and the bizarre social convention of shaving....
Anyhoo. I present his woolly, Bukowski-like, "feared-&-revered........... beard!"